Core Conditioning

students doing Core conditioning excercise

Core Conditioning

Periodized training utilizing calisthenic exercises (compound bodyweight exercises) to develop/enhance core strength (muscle support of the spine and pelvis) and core stability (maintaining spinal stability during movement) for anaerobic training and conditioning. 

Level 1

Fundamentals of calisthenic exercise and training are introduced to develop a strong novice-level skill set emphasizing strict form, alignment, and technical execution of movement. Instruction includes exercise and sports nutrition, rest/recovery, and mental discipline components for effective and successful training.

Level 2

Fundamentals of calisthenic exercise and training are reviewed and reinforced for continued progress in core training and acquisition of skills at an increased level of intensity.

Level 3

Advanced calisthenic skills are introduced and training variables are manipulated to challenge and increase muscle strength, muscle endurance, and anaerobic training at a high level of intensity. Emphasis on optimizing skill acquisition and execution with efficiency and proficiency without injury.