Matt Denham

Matt Denham

Matt Denham

About Matt Denham


Swimming and Water Polo.


Matt Denham earned his bachelors from UC Berkeley and went on to take a masters in physiological psychology and served as graduate student lecturer and neurophysiology lab manager at assorted institutions. His master’s thesis detailed the negative correlation between elevated cortisol and working memory. He currently collaborates with Dr. Daniela Kaufer examining their shared interests in temporal and prolonged cortisol exposure on both peripheral and cortical inflammation.

He brings extensive coaching experience including nationally ranked club water polo, certification with USA Water Polo, USA Swimming, and USA Triathlon. He is a masters water polo player, open ocean swimmer, surfer, bodysurfer, and multi-sport athlete.


244 Hearst Memorial Gymnasium

Office Hour:

Tuesdays 12-1 PM.

Course Syllabi:

Current and Past Courses

Teaching Schedule Fall 2024

Level - SecCourse#Course NameDay and TimeLocationStart DateEnd Date
1-6 33032 Triathlon 1 MW 9-10A HEARST POOL Full Semester
1-1 24936 Swimming 1 MW 10-11A HEARST POOL Full Semester
3-1 27098 Swimming 3 MW 11-12P HEARST POOL Full Semester
2-2 24952 Swimming 2 MW 1-2P HEARST POOL Full Semester
1-4 27055 Swimming 1 M 2-4P HEARST POOL Full Semester
3-2 24953 Swimming 3 TuTh 9-10A HEARST POOL Full Semester
4-22 32934 Swimming 4 TuTh 10-11A HEARST POOL Full Semester
1-5 27457 Stand-Up Paddleboarding 1 TuTh 11-12P HEARST POOL Full Semester
2-3 27088 Swimming 2 TuTh 1-2P HEARST POOL Full Semester
1-2 24946 Swimming 1 TuTh 2-3P HEARST POOL Full Semester
1-3 24949 Water Polo - All Levels W 2-4P HEARST POOL Full Semester