Dr. Steven Murray, Director

Dr. Steven Ross Murray

Dr. Steven Ross Murray

Director, Physical Education Program

About Dr. Steven Ross Murray

Dr. Steven Ross Murray's CV


Dr. Steven Ross Murray is the Director of the Health and Wellness minor, the Director of the Physical Education Program, and a Professor of Teaching in the Division of Biological Sciences within the College of Letters and Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He was born and reared in Tennessee, USA, and earned his bachelor's degree from the University of North Alabama (BS 1991) in physical education. He took his master's and doctoral degrees from Middle Tennessee State University (MS 1993, DA 1996) in wellness and fitness and physical education, respectively.

Previously, Dr. Murray was a Professor in and former Head of the Department of Kinesiology, and former Acting Dean of the School of Business and Professional Studies at Colorado Mesa University (CMU) in Grand Junction, Colorado. Before joining the faculty at CMU in 1998, he worked for Cumberland University in Tennessee as a grant procurer and administrator and was on faculty at Lander University in South Carolina. 

Dr. Murray is the author of Wellness for Life (Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2015, 3rd edition) and Fitness Walking (Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2009). In addition to his books, he has published over 150 articles in academic journals and other periodicals as well as served as a reviewer, editor, and invited referee for several publishing companies and academic journals. Lastly, he is an avid sportsman and has completed numerous multi-sport events, including the IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. 


207 Hearst Memorial Gymnasium

Office Hour:

By appointment.

Course Syllabi:

Current and Past Courses

Teaching Schedule Spring 2025

Level - SecCourse#Course NameDay and TimeLocationStart DateEnd Date
32-2 24450 Fitness: Phs Ada/Ex Asynchronous Online Full Semester
177-1 24451 WELLNESS FOR LIFE TuTh 930-11A 210 HEARST GYM Full Semester
197-1 18037 FIELD STUDY Full Semester
197-2 18038 FIELD STUDY Full Semester
PE 11 Intercollegiate Athletic Teams for Men UNSCHED NO FACILITY
PE 12 Intercollegiate Athletic Teams for Women UNSCHED NO FACILITY

Teaching Schedule Fall 2025

Level - SecCourse#Course NameDay and TimeLocationStart DateEnd Date
177-1 25588 WELLNESS FOR LIFE TuTh 11-1229P 210 HEARST GYM Full Semester
32-1 22657 Fitness: Phs Ada/Ex Asynchronous Online Full Semester
197-1 17958 FIELD STUDY TBA TBA Full Semester
197-2 17959 FIELD STUDY TBA TBA Full Semester
PE 11 Intercollegiate Athletic Teams for Men UNSCHED NO FACILITY
PE 12 Intercollegiate Athletic Teams for Women UNSCHED NO FACILITY