Restorative Yoga

man performing a yoga pose

Restorative Yoga

This course introduces the study and practice of yoga sequences to reduce overall stress from daily life. Students will learn set-up techniques and how to modify the basic poses for individual needs. No previous yoga experience is necessary.

Using props such as blankets, bolsters, blocks and straps, restorative yoga encourages the student to reach a state of deep relaxation. The poses will gently stretch the body in various supported backbends, twists, forward bends, inversions and "neutral" poses. The main goal of this type of yoga is to encourage a clear mind and calm emotions.

After becoming acquainted with each of the restorative poses and how to sequence them, students will be encouraged to make choices as to what poses to do and how long to hold the pose.

Topics to be incorporated include restorative poses that may relieve or reduce the symptoms of headaches, jet lag, fatigue and insomnia.